Connect Groups

Small Groups that Meet Regularly

At Farm Loop Christian Center, we want to see our people connecting with God and connecting with one another. This is the focus of our connect groups. Some of these groups meet weekly, some meet monthly. Some are focused on friendship and some are focused on studying scripture. Each of these different connect groups strives to display one or more of the following values:

  • Providing Godly Relationships
  • Fostering the Use of Talents and Spiritual Gifts for God’s Kingdom

  • Growing Towards Spiritual Maturity
  • Developing Leaders

We want these groups to be a place of belonging, friendship, and spiritual growth. Whatever stage of life you are in, we have a group for you. If you are looking for a place to connect at church, we would love to have you in one of our connect groups!

Christian Home Group Meeting in Palmer Alaska
Ben King Photo

Meet Your Connect Groups Pastor

I am excited to have you looking into Connect Groups at FLCC! I have been in a connect group for several years now. This group is the people I spend time with, who encourage me and help me when I need it. My connect group has been a place of encouragement and strength for me. As I oversee this ministry, my prayer is that others would experience the same strength I have through their own connect groups. That each group would foster close relationships and service to one another.

Currently Open Connect Groups

  • Bible Recap – Reading through the Bible in a Year

    All Welcome

    FLCC Fellowship Hall

    Last Monday of the Month 6:30-8pm

    Do you want to know God more? Do you want to understand his purposes more deeply? Then join us as we read through the Bible in a year! We are reading typically 3 or 4 chapters a day and pair Bible reading with the Bible Recap videos produced by Tara Leigh Cobble. The reading happens daily on one’s own. Then, once a month, the group comes together and shares what God has been doing through the scriptural reading. This group is overseen by Zach Edmundson. Register and we will get you signed up!
  • Bible Study With Louis

    All Welcome

    FLCC Chapel

    Mondays, 6-7:30 p.m.

    We are a group meeting on Monday nights that wants to hear God’s heartbeat as we engage in studying scripture. We desire to better know how to study scripture, to discuss scripture, and to grow in fellowship. This group is led by Louis Day. We would love to have you join us!
  • Bible Study at the Shier’s

    Families Welcome

    Shier Home

    Sunday nights, 6:00 - 8 pm

    This bible study is open to family’s and singles alike; kids are welcome! This Bible Study begins with food and fellowship (bring a dish to share if you’d like) and moves to a Bible discussion. Currently, the group is studying Revelation. This group may be a good fit if God leads you to a family and adult Bible study group! They would love to have you!
  • Equip Thursday Meeting

    Young Adults Ages 18-25 Welcome

    Farm Loop Christian Center Fellowship Hall

    Thursdays, 8 - 9 p.m. Starts Sept 12th

    Equip is designed to help young adults learn biblical life skills that will equip them for success in all areas of their lives. Topics covered will include decision-making, time management, communication, relationships, and more. Each week, participants will have the opportunity to learn from Scripture and apply what they've learned to their own lives. We’re focused on building relationships and equipping young adults with biblical life skills as they move forward into adulthood.
  • Equip Sunday Meeting

    Young Adults Ages 18-25 Welcome

    Farm Loop Christian Center Chapel

    Sundays, 9:30 a.m.

    Equip is designed to help young adults learn biblical life skills that will equip them for success in all areas of their lives. Topics covered will include decision-making, time management, communication, relationships, and more. Each week, participants will have the opportunity to learn from Scripture and apply what they've learned to their own lives. We’re focused on building relationships and equipping young adults with biblical life skills as they move forward into adulthood.
  • Marriage and Family Study

    Families Welcome


    Thursdays, 5pm

    Going through the book: "Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools" by Tyler Stratton. This group is led by Aaron and Sara Dickson. We believe God's purpose for marriage, a safe, vulnerable, redeeming place, is tangible here on earth; is tangible with your spouse! With the gospel at work in our lives, marriage can be exactly what God portrays - two finite people becoming one in the Lord. We are excited to move forward in this area and share some simple truths together. We would love to talk with you anytime and hope you're able to join us. reel tree to contact either of us with any questions. We meet to focus on marriage, family and fellowship. We share together biblical principles from God's word, from our lives or from a solid teaching, Stay for food and friendships.
  • Bible Study and Fellowship Group

    Adults Ages 25 - 32, Families Welcome

    Various homes

    Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm

    A group of adults who gather to enjoy fellowship, studying God's Word and prayer. We love connecting together and growing in Christ. The lessons are taught by Pastor Ben as well as different adults in the group. In addition to weekly fellowship and Bible study, we also enjoy fun activities throughout the year. If you are looking for a fun Bible Study and fellowship group, we would love you to join our group.

Join a Connect Group

Ready to join or just need more info? Reach out, and we’ll get back to you with next steps. We’re also looking for leaders to start new connect groups. You can mention that here and we’ll follow up with you.

Connect Groups

Contact Form